City Of Miami South Multifamily For Sale
75 Sw 11th St, Miami, FL 33130

Людмила Богатов
Людмила Богатов
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  • МЛС номер:A11688560
  • Виртуальный тур: Да
  • Цена предложения: $24,000,000
  • Налоги:$178,309
  • Дата публикации:November 5, 2024
  • Дней на рынке:118


The property is located within the City of Miami and is zoned T6-48B-O which allows a density of up to 500 units per acre, a height of up to 80 stories (inclusive of bonuses), and a FLR of 27 (inclusive of bonuses). The property is also located within the Metromover Subzone of the Miami-Dade County Rapid Transit Zone Overlay and could be developed pursuant to those regulations which may allow for additional height and FLR without the payment of bonuses.


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